Ya hemos impartido la orientación, con la documentación y los instrumentos de trabajo necesarios, para efectuar las entrevistas. Todos estamos inmersos en las entrevistas y la elaboración documental escrita. En las próximas dos semanas se llevarán a cabo la orientación para la elaboracion y el trabajo en sí con los podcasts.
A manera de introducción presentamos una orientación sobre la naturaleza del Podcast
Qué es un Podcast
How to create a Podcast
El 15 de abril de 2008, la Prof. Liz Pagán, Directora de la Biblioteca de la Estación Experimental Agrícola, de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez, ofrecio el taller Podcast para principiantes. Presentamos visuales de su aportación, disponible en Slideshare.
Ejemplo de Podcast
Effective virtual visits statistics for the annual public library survey, por Sarah Houghton Jan, efectuado el 24 de abril de 2008
Libraries have always been good at measuring our physical visitors - we have gate counts, circulation statistics, program attendance, and more. But what about our online visitors? Are we counting them? And how? As more of our users move to our online services, measuring their impact becomes increasingly essential. Beginning this year, the Public Library Survey from the California State Library asks libraries to provide accurate "virtual visits" statistics, including the use of the library's website, catalog, and other web presences. Many libraries need a bit of a boost when it comes to measuring online visitors, and to simply understand what it is the survey is asking for. Sarah Houghton-Jan, experienced webmaster and Library 2.0 expert, will share with you the best way to easily gather accurate "virtual visits" statistics. Attendees will come away with a clear understanding of the survey request, knowledge of both free and commercial web analytic software options, customer privacy and data retention issues, and resources for more information. Capture your library's true full use with easy to implement tools!
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